Ballet in the park

Today i woke up, brush up, change into my cutest workout outfit. All black! Armed with my lil MP3 player, walked to a park. I started my warm up routine,

Plie (Centre)
Do this without bar. You would find that doing plie in centre, really workout all your muscle and train good balance.

2x Demi-plie
1x Grande Plie
Rise & Lower
(Arm - Full Port De Bra)

Repeat 10 sets.

Forward bend
Commence with 2nd position (as wide as shoulder width)
Do a full Port de bra forward bend. All the way to the floor.
Recover, bring arms to 5th position, open to 2nd position.

Repeat 5 sets (Change your variation with side bends)

Grande Battement Derriere
(Facing a bar)
5X Grande Battement Derriere with straight legs (Allowing body move forward, almost like doing a slit)
5x Grande Battement Derriere with bend legs (Body ache back, almost kicking to the back of your head)

Repeat Other leg

To read more about basic steps of ballet:-
The Australian Ballet: Basic Steps

Be creative! Have Fun!