Life is wonderful. My hubby love to shower me with flowers, gets me nice colourful stationaries for my writing. I thank God for such an encouraging hubby, supporting and cheering me on, in whatever i set my heart to do.
So, today's post, i want to dedicate to my loving hubby.=)
"Thank you, darling, for everything."

There was one day, i came back from a long day, he surprise me with flowers in our living room, dining table, even our kitchen. Really sweet!

Here is a fruit platter he prepared for me, while i work on my baby project, MyLilBallerina.

Today, i want to share a few new exercises that i plan to do in my next Adult ballet class:-
Single and double Ronds de Jambe en l'air en dehors and en dedans
Sideway to barre.
Intro music, arm 1st to seconde.
1 Extend straight leg to a la seconde at 45 degree.
2 Single ronde de jambe en l'air en dehors.
3 Double ronde de jambe en l'air en dehors.
4 Close 3rd derriere.
5 Lift straight leg to a la seconde at 45 degree.
6 Single ronde de jambe en l'air en dedans.
7 Double ronde de jambe en l'air en dedans.
8 Close 3rd devant.
1 Lift straight leg to a la seconde at 45 degree with rise (supporting leg)
2 Single ronde de jambe en l'air en dehors.(Stay rise)
3 Double ronde de jambe en l'air en dehors. (Stay rise)
4 Close 3rd derriere. (lower down heel)
5 Lift straight leg to a la seconde at 45 degree with rise (supporting leg)
6 Single ronde de jambe en l'air en dedans. (Stay rise)
7 Double ronde de jambe en l'air en dedans. (Stay rise)
8 Close 3rd devant.
Chasse en avant.
Full port de bras forward
Draw in 5th position on rise
Coupe, step forward in 5th rise, arm 5th position.
turn to the other side.
Repeat (whole exercise.)
Centre exercise
Last week, i introduced Fouette of Adage to my students. Train them balance and mastering the arabesque position.
Fouette of Adage
Commencing 5th position, enface.
1-2 Developpe devant, arms 1st position.
3-4 Extend leg to 2nd position, arms to a la seconde.
5&6 3 pivots to face left side, arabesque leg derriere en l'air, arms in arabesque.
7-8 lift to 90 degree.
1-2 Lower to fondue, arms 3rd arabesque.
3-4 Draw in 5th position, coupe devant in fondue, arm reverse demi bras.
5-8 Soutenus turn to other side. Arms in 5th position.
Repeat other side.
Petite Allegro
Sissone change
Commencing right foot devant, en face.
1-2 2x Soubresaut
3 Sissone change
4 Petite assemble derriere
5-8 Repeat
1-8 Echappe saute en croix
Love, Staphanie Mun