Can you guess what this is?
My mood page for Little Ballerina, before the birth of my blog...
I was thinking about this project, this concept, will people read it? Should i start a blog?
I have so much passion for ballet. Creative juice is oozing out from my brain, i have to write, i have to start this ballet blog.=)
So, as you can see, i was already thinking about merchandising, back then... hehe...
drawing & designing my first Little Ballerina T-shirts for fans.
Looking back, it is kinda cool.
I'm having a lot of fun, i get to meet interesting, like minded (ballet crazy) friends from around the world.
Voila! MyLilBallerina is born.

I'll update you all when my Little Ballerina T-shirt is available!
Love, Staphanie Mun